This is the 2nd Itone original kokyu score book.
There are 28 songs from Japanese pops, and anime songs.
Includes: Kazaguruma, Natsu no Owari, Hana, Mikazuki, 365 days of paper airplanes, Gekko, Hanamizuki, Paprika, Yasashisade afureruyouni, Yuki no Hana, Ito, Kitano kunikara, Shounen jidai, Nada sousou, Haruyo koi, Hikouki gum, Mata kimono koishiteru, Ruriirono chikyuu, Ashitakasekki, Path of the wind, Kamado Tanjiro no Uta, Country Road, The curel Angel’s thesis, Teru’s song, Princess Mononoke, Obora Zukiyo, Amazing Grace, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence